The Jornal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism, Vol. 76, No. 4, Fall 2018

Ada beberapa artikel yang dimuat pada edisi kali ini. Introduction to “The Good, the Beautiful, the Green: environmentalism and aesthetivs (hal. 391). Environmental aesthetics and ecoaesthetics (hal. 399). Nature aesthetics and the respect argument (hal. 411). Aesthetics of nature, constitutive goods, and environmental conservation: a defense of moderate formalist aesthetics (hal. 419). Consumer aesthetics and environmental ethics: problems and possibilities (hal. 429). Complicating aesthetics environmentalism: four criticisms of aesthetic motivations for environmental action (hal. 441). John Muir’s environmental aesthetics: interweaving the aesthetic, religious, and scientific (hal. 463). The role of awe in environmental ethics (hal. 473). Loving nature (hal. 485). The interaction of ethics and aestheticsin environmental art (hal. 497). Moral cultivation: Japanese gardens, personal ideals, and ecological citizenship (hal. 507). The animal is present: the ethics of animal use in contemporary art Hal. 519).