TDR, Fall 2019, 63:3

Ada beberapa artikel yang dimuat pada edisi kali ini. Minstrel Scandals; or, the Restorative Properties of Blackface (hal. 8). “In Sorrow Thou Shalt Bring Forth Children”: Docu-Poetic Theatre in Israel (hal. 20). “My Life Has Become More Absurd Than My Ply”: Mi Minor and the Crackdown on Artistic Freedom in Turkey (hal. 36). Karnatic Meets Kattaikkuttu: Notes on an Unusual Cultural Conversation (hal. 50). The Outside of Butoh Is the Inside of the Body: Ko Murobushi and the Process of Self-Mummification (hal. 74). Trans/formative: Queering the Binaries of Sex and Gender in Cassils’s Performance of (Un) Becoming (hal. 94). Dance X Fase X Quad: Choreographic Seeing in Lucinda Childs,  Anne Teresa de Keersmaeker, and Samuel Beckett (hal. 108). From Chanel to Halston: The Mythology of Fashion Costumes (hal. 128).

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