Artasiapacipic Issue 129 Juli/August 2022


Dalam edisi kali ini menampilkan beberapa informasi diantaranya: Editor’s letter: Transformative powers (hal. 10), One on one: Rushi Anwar on Mulla Sadra Shirazi (hal. 12), Dispatch: Shanghai (hal. 14), Auction report : The great plateau (hal. 18), Art fair report: Pushing back (hal. 20), Whispering gallery: Nipping at the heels (hal. 22), The point: Letter to young artists (hal. 24), Previews: Embodied adventure (hal. 28), Angela Su: Evelating extremes (hal. 34), Amol K patil: Poetic power (hal. 37), Yuki Kihara: Trouble in paradise (hal. 42), Ha Chong Hyun : Method and Materiality (48), Nunelocio Alvardo: Sugar and salt of life (hal. 56),  Inside burger cololection: Intimacy and denial in equal measure, Elmgreen & dragest discuss masculinity ideals and posthumanism (hal. 68), Art directory (hl. 74), Review (hal. 79), Kathmandu, Soeul, Tokyo, Hongkong, Manila, Istambul, Munich, Berlin (hal. 80), Itinerary (hal. 89), Books reviews: Blast from the past (hal. 90), Where i work: Hanna Hur (hal. 920, The sketch: Thao Nguyen Phan (hal. 96).