Juxtapoz, Fall 2020 No 215

Pada edisi  kali ini majalah berbahasa Inggris Juxtapoz menampilkan  beberapa artikel antara lain: Studio time: Kirileigh Jones in the public (hal. 14), The report: Toward 2030 is reshaping the future(hal. 18), Product review: Pleasure packs, Yusuke Hanai and GWAR (hal. 24), Picture book: Line Iris Viktor’s immersive dark continent series (hal. 26),Design: Jessalyn Aaland’s class set (hal. 34), Fashion: Time travelling with Lily Kaizer (hal. 38),Influence : Kayla Mahaffey’s Resilience, Vibrancy, and Nostalgia (hal. 42), Travel insider: Washington DC- More than marbled steps (hal. 46), In Session: J. Leigh Garcia: Passion in printmaking at Kent State  (hal. 54), On the outside: Grafitti, art, and invention with Crig Costello (hal. 56), Book review: The Gonz, akasha rabut and dublab (hal. 60), Nocolas Party (hal. 76), Marlyn Minter (hal. 84), Dominic Chamber (hal. 92), Marcela Pardo Ariza (hal. 100), Cassi Namoda (hal. 106), Laura Berger (hal. 114), Peter Uka (hal. 122), Justin Liam O’Brien (hal. 130).